Come join OAKLAND & FRATERNAL HISTORIC CEMETERY PARK in Little Rock, Arkansas, for our special Evening Lantern Light Tours on Saturday nights in October.
For information and directions, please call Linda L. Howell
(501) 681-3857
Read our article in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette
This picture was taken by a flip phone 12 years ago at Oakland Cemetery, It is of a spirit of a union soldier walking what would be considered a perimeter patrol. He would have been 300 yards from the Union Encampment during the occupation of Little Rock. If you look closely, you can make out his kepi and his cavalry cape.
Further Information
This is the Tillar Mausoleum window.
Special or Custom Tours
For special or custom tours, call Linda Howell or contact Carolyn Eastham at or 501-251-4891
Mayor Frank Scott Jr. Inside the Oakland mausoleum.
Girlfriend of David O. Dodd buried at Oakland Cemetery.
Angel of Grief AKA The Weeping Angel
"Oakland & Fraternal Historic Cemetery Park was established in 1862 when the City of Little Rock (Pulaski County) purchased a 165-acre estate in order to accommodate the Civil War dead. Through the years, this 160-acre estate has been carved into six distinct cemeteries: Oakland, National, Confederate, a one-acre Confederate, Fraternal, B'Nai Isreal, and Agudath Achim. Today, 108 acres of the original 160 remain as burial grounds. The cemeteries have seen more than 62,000 burials since the first in 1863."
-Encyclopedia of Arkansas
Read more about it HERE
The Fraternal Sexton's house 1975. This, and other scenes, were featured in the movie White Lightning in 1975